IZA published an RCT of ReHire Colorado, a state program providing transitional, subsidized jobs to low-income unemployed or underemployed individuals. Quick take: High-quality RCT finds little impact on participant earnings or employment once the transitional jobs end.
ReHire Colorado places participants in temporary jobs with local employers and pays their full wages for up to 30 weeks. It seeks to match participants to jobs they're well-suited for, with the goal of transitioning them to unsubsidized employment with the host employer.
Study Design:
The study sample comprised 1,931 individuals randomly assigned to treatment (T) vs control (C). 62% of treatment group members were successfully placed in a transitional job. Based on careful review, this was a high-quality RCT (e.g., baseline balance, negligible attrition for employment and earnings outcomes).
In Year 1 after program entry, the study found a statistically significant 14% gain in average earnings and 21% gain in time employed. But this is likely just due to the treatment group's receipt of transitional jobs that year (i.e., it's a measure of program implementation, not enduring impact).
In year 2, after transitional jobs ended, the effects unfortunately faded. Average T & C earnings in year 2 were low ($9,948 T vs $9,320 C) and the difference between treatment and control ($628, or 7%) wasn't statistically significant. The T-C difference in time employed in year 2 was close to statistical significance, but small (about 2 weeks).
The study reported positive effects on employment stability, job quality, and well-being, but these effects were based on a survey that had sample attrition of >50% (and sizable T-C differences in attrition), so are not reliable.