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Latest Progress: State Partnerships for Proven Programs

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8/29/2024 Update:
Maryland Governor Moore Announces $20M to Scale Proven K-12 Programs
Maryland debuts new partnership model for using evidence about “what works” to address major social problems 

We’re excited to share that Maryland Governor Wes Moore and Arnold Ventures (AV) today
announced $20 million in grants to scale up two proven-effective K-12 education programs,
under a partnership facilitated by our organization – the Coalition for Evidence-Based Policy.

These grants are part of a larger, $40 million Maryland Partnership for Proven Programs between Gov. Moore's office and AV, supported by the Coalition. This effort introduces an exciting new model of public-philanthropic collaboration in using rigorous evidence about "what works" to make progress at scale in education, workforce development, crime prevention, and other areas.

Gov. Moore's full announcement of the Partnership’s two initial awards is officially posted here.

The two proven K-12 programs are Saga math tutoring and ASSISTments – both shown in large, well-conducted randomized controlled trials (RCTs) to produce sizable, lasting gains in student math achievement (as summarized here: Saga, ASSISTments).

We'll keep you posted as things go forward.​

2/15/2024 Update:
Maryland Governor Moore & Arnold Ventures Launch $40M Partnership for Proven Programs, Facilitated by the Coalition 

We're excited to share the news that Maryland Governor Wes Moore yesterday announced a partnership with Arnold Ventures (AV) – matched funding of up to $40 million over four years – to scale up proven-effective social programs in Maryland. The Coalition for Evidence-Based Policy is facilitating the initiative.


Recent years have seen real growth in the body of social programs shown in large randomized controlled trials (RCTs) to produce important gains in education, economic mobility and other life outcomes. Gov. Moore and AV are now taking the critical next step: scaling these proven programs to improve lives at a state level.


Under the partnership, AV will provide up to $20 million over four years in philanthropic matching funds as an incentive for Maryland state and local government agencies to: 


  1. Fund – with matched public dollars – the expansion of proven-effective programs; and

  2. Work in partnership with the Coalition to incorporate evidence-based criteria into future government funding announcements (e.g., RFPs) in the relevant program area. The end goal is to institutionalize and sustain the government agency’s prioritization of funding for proven programs – along with rigorous testing to grow the number of proven programs – once the philanthropic funds wind down.


Targeted areas include workforce development, K-12 and higher education, and crime prevention. The program list is under discussion, but all have strong RCT evidence, replicated across multiple studies or study sites, of important, lasting improvements in people's lives.


We'll provide additional updates as things go forward. 


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